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Cajunbayou chat room was founded back in July 98 by a man known as Turbodog75, (or Sandy to most of us) Lots of people have come and gone in the past 2 years, but there memories still remain. To some people it is a place to meet new people, to some it is a place to just get away from reality, but to most of us it is a part of our lives, we get up in the morning and turn on the webtv’s or our computers, just to see who comes in while we are getting dressed for work. Then we come home from work and the first thing we do is come back to the bayou to catch up on the gossip we missed that day from those of us who are fortunate enough not to have to work and can stay in the room all the time, lol (you know who you are)


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this page was originally created on: December 12, 1998

it was deleted on June 23, 1999
This version of the CajunBayou Homepage was created on:
July 4, 1999
Last updated on: September 21, 2000
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